(Now presenting some of the golden words of Kaka, pka AC pka Arvind Chandrashekhar, a proud D Co. member... Read at your Own RISK!!)
Q: What is the opposite of Dominoes?
A: Domi-doesn’t-know!
Fidoe (at 4 in the morning): Is anyone awake?
Kaka: I am sodium. (Main Hoon ‘Na’!!)
Fidoe (to Kaka in response to his previous response): You are Incorrigible!
Kaka: No, im in D0604!
Flexi: Whats in a name?
Kaka: 4 letters.. a, e, m and n.. in different order though…
Fidoe: I have a nemesis: IC (and sometimes QM)
Kaka: I have a nemebro…
Jerky: BOL
Kaka: Kya bolun?
Jerky: Kuch nahin, bas sun.
Kaka: kyun, moon kyun nahin?
Jerky: aaj AMAVASYA hai!!
Kaka: Nahin aaj monday hai!!
(when Moti made some comment)
Prostee: Moti, mug le beta!
Kaka: Moti mug le Niche!!
(CCCF: Beta: fin club, Niche: Mktg club!)
Prostee: Aaj main upar, aaj main Niche..
Kaka: Aaj subsidiary upar, aaj subsidiary Niche!
Prostee: Aaj subsinoteboook upar, aaj subsinotebook Niche!
Kaka: Aaj kuchsinotebook upar, aaj kuchsinotebook Niche!
Prostee: Aaj kuchsicoinbook upar, Aaj kuchsicoinbook Niche!
........................................ (and it goes on n on n on)
Prostee: Stop! it looks like some language spoken in the rainforests!
Kaka: ra-out forest!
Flexi: reddy-ut forest!
Khakee: Blue-dyut forest!
Kaka: Bluedyut fo-works!
Flexi: bluedyut fo-unrest!
Kaka: bludyut fo-worldbank-rest!
(Im thinking of renaming this post as Kaka-isms and Prostee-isms....)
Santosh(the day before announced eco quiz): i predict there will be a quiz tomorrow!
Prostee: you are like lifeless boozevendor...(bejan daruwala!!)
Lusty: Ive lost my roon keys, so if anyone sees it let me know.
Kaka: whats the room no.?
Lusty: its D-2030.. how does it help?
Kaka: just in case i find it lying about, or telling the truth about...!!!
Q: What would you be called if you were seeing Kammo???
A: A-Kammo-dating!!
Oka: Dont remind me of eco.
Pondy: eco eco eep eep
eco eco eep eep
Kaka: You sound like the roadrunner suffering from hiccups!
An apprehensive and tensed Shyam posts on the D Co nb at 1:15 pm-
Shyam: Quiz?
Kaka: No, thanks!
Mishti: Group 2 takes Non-Life Insurance for marketing assignment.
Kaka: why? you think your project will be that bad??
(I dunno the origin of this one, but nevertheless...)
Q: If Preeta Vyas is teaching us marketing pre-mid-term, who is gonna teach us post-mid-term?
A: Post-a Vyas!
(I am in the process of getting more inputs, and will keep posting as and when I get something. So keep checking this space for updates on Kaka-isms...)
Who the heck is Kaka?
You should read the conversations that we have on yahoo conference. We come up with all those new abbreviations and alternative synonyms for words. WE talk like a buunch of insane idiots who twist and bend all reason and logic. There are newcomers who are so shit scared of joining our confs that they not only decline the invitation to join but promptly log out soon after !!
LOL, would be nice to meet kaka and pit wits against him/her.
kaka is my batchmate at iima
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