The first yawn
The cute baby smile
Those sleepless nights
Tunning around with the food
The first bicycle fall
The shiny black shoes for birthday
The first soccer goal
The straight A grade card
The first girlfriend
Followed by the first kiss
and shortly thereafter the first heartbreak
The first fist fight
and a visit to the doc for stitches
The first earning as a newspaperboy
The first scholarship for college
The first serious relationship...
and the memorable days after
The first interview - the most nervous day
but even more nervous -
The "pop the question" and "meet the parents" day
The affirmative answer
from both the dream company and girl
The first car, and house..
The difficult early days,
with not much other than love and togetherness
The first moonlit date
The first honeymoon
The first child, and first time responsibilities
The first tear, the first smile for the lil one!
The first heartache to see
The grown up child leave home
The first tears of happiness
To hear about the upcoming wedding
The first grandchild, the first gift
The first family reunion at christmas
The first heart attack, the first pang of fear
The first admission in the hospital,
The first night of unbearable tension
The sad faces of teh family
The worried look of the wife
The clenching fist of the child...
and the sad smile of the lil grandchild
The last few days and moments
The last sights, sounds, tastes and feelings
The last tear, the last smile...
and thw last breath before I rest for a while..
Goodbye, I had a great time!
It was wonderful !!! Hats off to your creativity !!!
Nice !! Very well written :)
You put whole life in words...nice.
hey balaji, sourav and AG,
thnx fr visitin, and teh appreciation! :))
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